Ever since I read (listened to) the Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love, I have been dying to try Pig Candy. Well, luckily, I got to try it out first hand at the SPQ Million Queen March Weekend......it was everything I had dreamed it would be. While reading (and listening to, just because it's soooo much more entertaining hearing it all in HRH Queen Boss Jill's own voice) the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner, I came up with the clever idea of doing a blog just like Julie Powell did with the Julia Childs recipes. So here we go.....follow my progress as I attempt to whip up each of the tried, true and tested recipes loved by the SPQ.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Recipe Index

Here's what happens when you have WAY too much free time on your hands......
But, I thought it would be helpful, not only to ME as a way to keep track of the recipes I have tried and also trying to decide which recipe to delve into next, but also to YOU....who may just be looking for a particular recipe and which book you can find it in......It's a win-win situation and all thanks to my having WAY too much free time on my hands!
As a close friend recently pointed out, "You need a hobby besides the lucrative one that's your job" .....which, by the way, is selling collectible dolls on eBay.  However, I wouldn't really call my job a "hobby", although I can certainly see how it may look and sound like one. Anyways.....I did not take offense to their comment, they are RIGHT......I do need to find something else to occupy some of my free time and it should probably not be fattening up all of my friends or causing cholesterol induced strokes. BUT.....que sera, sera.
So without further ado, here is my list of ALL the SPQ recipes that have been published thus far....
Feel free to share it, print it, use it as wrapping paper....whatever suits your fancy.

I figured it would be a big let-down for most of you if I offered a new blog post and DIDN'T offer up a review of a recipe.....even though this post has offered something WAY more valuable (see link above). In Queen Jill's newest book, "Fat Is The New 30", she talks about how her and "Little Jeffrey" tested the "Cake-in-a-Mug" recipe. They were sorely disappointed, to say the least.  Here is Jill's interpretation of the original Cake-in-a-Mug recipe............

2 ingredients: Cocoa and Kitchen Sponge. Dust sponge with cocoa - This is what the waste-of-five-minutes-cake-in-a-mug tastes like!
DON'T worry.....no Hershey's Cocoa was harmed in the making of this recipe! I used outdated hot chocolate mix and my kitchen sponge needed replaced anyways :)

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