Ever since I read (listened to) the Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love, I have been dying to try Pig Candy. Well, luckily, I got to try it out first hand at the SPQ Million Queen March Weekend......it was everything I had dreamed it would be. While reading (and listening to, just because it's soooo much more entertaining hearing it all in HRH Queen Boss Jill's own voice) the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner, I came up with the clever idea of doing a blog just like Julie Powell did with the Julia Childs recipes. So here we go.....follow my progress as I attempt to whip up each of the tried, true and tested recipes loved by the SPQ.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Comfort Food That Will Kill Ya!

It's been WAY too long since I've cooked anything, let alone something from one of the fabulous Sweet Potato Queens books.  But, have no fear.......I'm back at it and in full force!
I recently moved, so now I have even more space and reasons to entertain - AND, a kitchen to actually do it in.
Yesterday I was invited to a birthday party/cookout and I asked......"Side dish or an appetizer?"  I was told side dish, so I thumbed through all 8 of the SPQ books and decided on Connie's Death Corn Five........ Connie, because that's who made up the recipe - Death, because I guess if you eat enough of it it will kill ya - Corn, because there is corn - and Five, because there are five ingredients all together....How easy is that?!
BOY.....am I glad I made this!!!!  It was the only hot side dish at the party.  Mixed bean salad, barley salad, pasta salad, quinoa salad, green bean salad.....it was a salad extravaganza!  But I'm not complaining, I love tasting all the different dishes at a potluck.
Everyone waited with anticipation to dig into Connie's Death Corn Five, they were intrigued by the name and anxious to taste what sounded like a deadly concoction.  It's really not deadly, just fattening, but OH so good!

 Step one

 That's corny!

 Baked to perfection

Dig in!

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