Ever since I read (listened to) the Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love, I have been dying to try Pig Candy. Well, luckily, I got to try it out first hand at the SPQ Million Queen March Weekend......it was everything I had dreamed it would be. While reading (and listening to, just because it's soooo much more entertaining hearing it all in HRH Queen Boss Jill's own voice) the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner, I came up with the clever idea of doing a blog just like Julie Powell did with the Julia Childs recipes. So here we go.....follow my progress as I attempt to whip up each of the tried, true and tested recipes loved by the SPQ.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Drop-Dead-Easy Pots de Créme

First things first, you do NOT pronounce pots de créme: "pots day cream". It is correctly pronounced "po de krehm" and it is a French dessert custard dating to the 17th century. Typical recipes calls for melting, heating, thickening, and baking - but the Drop-Dead-Easy Pots de Créme, found in the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner, only calls for heating and blending.......sooooooo easy! I was a little worried it would end up a bit grainy, afraid the chocolate chips didn't get melted and blended smooth, but it turned out smooth as a baby's butt and oh-so-chocolatey-scrumptious! I even made some homemade bourbon flavored whipped cream to top it off. It was the perfect dessert for a semi-fancy dinner party involving lots of medical professionals - and may I just add, no better company to be around when you slice your finger on the foil at the top of a wine bottle :)

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