When the cat is away......the mice will play! It's girl's night out, or in technically since we are all sitting by a bonfire gabbin' it up - and it's another great excuse to try out one of the recipes in the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner. Bitch Bacon Bread Sticks seems appropriate for the evening - it's a simple recipe, really, so I now wonder how the hell I screwed it up! Basically you wrap bacon around thin breadsticks and then roll that in a secret mixture blend (sorry folks, I'm not giving out recipes here.....you'll have to get your own darn copy of the book if you want to make them for yourself). Easy......right? Well, I have to be honest.......they didn't have much flavor.....which is hard to believe seeing how they include bacon. I must have done something wrong because if this recipe made it in the SPQ Cookbook, it has to be good!
I will say this.......it lived up to its name, for we were all bitchin' about 'em all night long.
I will say this.......it lived up to its name, for we were all bitchin' about 'em all night long.
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