If you have ever read any of the Sweet Potato Queens books, you know how beloved deviled eggs are to the Queens. I personally don't think this is a "Southern" thing cause I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't like a good deviled egg. Except, of course, for my Uncle Gene who would lick and suck out the yellow centers and throw the naked whites back into the egg tray. I'm not sure we ever really broke him of that.
The delectable deviled eggs you see here are NOT from the Sweet Potato Queens books, these are MY deviled eggs. And even though this is a blog about SPQ recipes, I thought it wouldn't hurt to share just one little recipe of my own.......cause, well.....you know.....Queens love deviled eggs and.......if HRH Jill could taste one of my famous deviled eggs.........well, I think she would approve!
Place a dozen eggs in a pot big enough to hold them without having them knock up against each other when the water comes to a boil. Once the water comes to a full, rolling boil, remove the eggs from heat and place a lid on the pot. Let this sit for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the eggs as you run cold tap water over them. Once they are cool to the touch, fill pot with cold water and add some ice cubes. Let this sit a bit longer......this makes them easier to peel. Remove the shells, slice the eggies lengthwise, remove the yolks and collect all the yolks in a bowl. Mash up the yolks and add a glob of mayo, a smaller glob of mustard, and a squirt of Inglehoffer Wasabi Horseradish Sauce, if your grocery store doesn't have it....tell them to get it! Mix all this up real well until yellow goo is smooth and creamy. You may need to add a touch more of each ingredient to get the right consistency......not too thick, not too runny. Fill each of your little naked egg whites with this mixture and sprinkle the tops with Old Bay Seasoning......Voila!
Come on, you know you are so wishing you could just bite right into that egg!
LOOKS wonderful. I took HRH Jill 10 dozen on Christmas day, but none like yours. I took my regular ones that are Jill's favorites which are just mayo, mustard, and sweet relish. Others topped with caviar ( for Kyle ) and then another set of spicy eggs made from eggs pickled in jalapeno juice for 10 weeks and made with hot chinese mustard, spicy southwest mustard and jalapenos chopped VERY fine, then topped with jalapeno slices to warn the unsuspecting. I cannot wait to try yours.
Yummy - I think I can smell eggs boiling in my kitchen right now!!
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