First things first, you do NOT pronounce pots de créme: "pots day cream". It is correctly pronounced "po de krehm" and it is a French dessert custard dating to the 17th century. Typical recipes calls for melting, heating, thickening, and baking - but the Drop-Dead-Easy Pots de Créme, found in the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner, only calls for heating and blending.......sooooooo easy! I was a little worried it would end up a bit grainy, afraid the chocolate chips didn't get melted and blended smooth, but it turned out smooth as a baby's butt and oh-so-chocolatey-scrumptious! I even made some homemade bourbon flavored whipped cream to top it off. It was the perfect dessert for a semi-fancy dinner party involving lots of medical professionals - and may I just add, no better company to be around when you slice your finger on the foil at the top of a wine bottle :)
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