"Maketh Me Lie Down In Mac & Cheese".........You can find this recipe in the Sweet Potato Queens 1st Big-Ass Novel. Yeah, that's right.....don't go looking for this one in your copy of the SPQ Big-Ass Cookbook cause it ain't there! There are magnificently disgusting, bad-for-you recipes in ALL of the SPQ books! I choose the ones I want to make depending on my mood and/or the occasion or event I'm attending. And don't even attempt to tell me you don't like magnificently disgusting, bad-for-you food......it's the BEST!.....That's why we all visit our fav fast food joint from time to time.
If mac & cheese and potatoes are the all-time best comfort foods.......why not put them together in the same dish? Yeah, you heard me.......YUM!!!
I chose to make this recipe because my silly friends decided that carving 20 pumpkins wasn't enough.....we needed to carve 20 more. This calls for some subsistence!
At first glance everyone exclaimed "What is THIS?"....but with that eye-popping, mouth-watering tone of voice. This eventually lead to a conversation about holding a mac & cheese cook-off......count me IN as a Judge!
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